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based on facts 意味

"based on facts"の例文


  • 《be based on (the) facts》事実{じじつ}に基いている


  • this is all based on facts .
    事実 あいつは
  • ms . warren , in this lab we make conclusions based on facts , not intuition .
    ウォレンさん このラボでは 事実に基づいて結論を出すの 直感で判断はしない
  • in addition , based on facts that his birthplace iga is famous for ninja (professional spy in feudal japan highly trained in stealth and secrecy ) and that he walked extremely fast for a japanese person at that time , there is a theory that he was a ninja outside of the mainstream .
  • in addition , based on facts that his birthplace iga is famous for ninja (professional spy in feudal japan highly trained in stealth and secrecy ) and that he walked extremely fast for a japanese person at that time , there is a theory that he was a ninja outside of the mainstream .
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